Product description
“Regine Delle Due Ruote Honda” is a 2011 documentary directed by Luca Ponzi and produced by Discovery Channel Italia. The film tells the story of Honda, one of the most important motorcycle companies in the world.
The film begins with Soichiro Honda founding Honda in 1948. At that time Japan was in ruins after World War II and Honda was an engineer who had decided to go into the production of bicycle engines. His idea proved to be a success and Honda began to grow rapidly.
The film traces the milestones in Honda’s history, from the production of bicycle engines to the production of road, racing and off-road motorcycles. The film also showcases Honda’s passion for motorcycles and its commitment to innovation.
The film is full of spectacular images and interviews with important personalities, including Soichiro Honda, Freddie Spencer, Mick Doohan and Valentino Rossi.
The film is a must for all motorcycle enthusiasts. It is an engaging and exciting tale of the story of a legendary company that made the history of motorcycling.
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