Product description
Catalogue of the exhibition dedicated to the legendary Cuneo-Colle della Maddalena race, through the extraordinary images of Adriano Scoffone, is the first step in a new project that the Automobile Museum in Turin has dedicated to the competitions of the Roaring Twenties.
Between the 1910s and the end of the 1930s, racing activities greatly marked the history of the automobile, and in particular its technical growth, but not only, because car racing rivalled aeroplane and other avant-garde challenges.
The 1930 edition of the historic automobile race that started from Cuneo to reach the Colle della Maddalena, with some passages from the 1925, ’26 and ’27 years, are retraced through precious photograms, an infinitesimal part of the “Fondo fotografico Adriano Scoffone”, and published in this precious catalogue.
On one side, the semi-gods of the wheel, Tazio Nuvolari, Achille Varzi, Giuseppe Campari, Rudolf Caracciola, Hans Stuck, and their cars, on the other the smiling faces, some of them cinema-like, of the public, between the porticos, squares and picnics.