Pignone Giacomo Augusto, Romolo Vercelli Ugo

MOTORI AD ALTA POTENZA SPECIFICA Le basi concettuali della tecnica da competizione – New edition



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Having first appeared in 1995, “Engines at Specific High Power” was written by engineers Giacomo Augusto Pignone and Ugo Romolo Vercelli and is much more than a book of engine technology. From the first time it came out, it distinguished itself for the ample in-depth conceptual-philosophic aspects that constitute the peculiarities of major interest of this book, as well as being an unquestioned text of reference in its specific environment. Now, the book has been published for the fifth time. This edition explains the technology of racing cars with all the fundamental parameters that govern the way an engine works and is embellished by important contributions which, as well as updating previously discussed aspects, expand the contents of the work. Among others, there are a number of sections in which the book looks at subjects associated with the mechanics in the light of evolution that has taken place in recent years in the engine field: transmissions, electronic management, the choice of materials, the specific high powered diesel engine and the hydrogen vehicle. In going into the various questions, the authors have attempted to give access to many subjects which are not simple and have been the prerogative of just a few people who work in the industry, while maintaining absolute precision in the presentation.

This new edition has been created as a tribute to one of the authors, Ingegner Pignone, who passed away recently and was an esteemed technical populariser, but also a sophisticated thinker. 
This work, which includes all the final notes and tweaks indicated by Ingegner Pignone, is already an enduring classic within the ambit of engine technology for all those wishing to learn about the fundamentals of high specific output engine technology, a book that many years after since its first appearance is still of immense interest and provides continuing food for thought.

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oltre 220 illustrazioni tecniche


Engine technique, Technical on cars
Giorgio Nada Editore., PROMO POLE POSITION., Sconto Online

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