Product description
Roberto Parodi has made movement and crossing borders a life choice: at work, on the streets, with music, with his public activity and finally with his videos, whose popularity was immediate.
Now he has decided to put on paper some of what he has learned in this whole movement to be and remain himself, having as his only rule to always maintain dignity, fairness and independence in opinions. The result is a book full of advice and simple suggestions on what to do and above all what to avoid (in relationships with others, in dressing, in behaving), who to be inspired by and above all from whom to flee like the plague (hypocrites, fakes, manipulators).
In short, an agile, fun and direct book on how to have a style, personal, original, recognizable. «It is not difficult to find your own style; everyone has it and it is what they will have to follow, perhaps evolving over time but always in a personal way, without copying what you see around. So let’s be recognized, but for the way we are, not for our ability to imitate others».