Product description
The 50 cc phenomenon described through the most iconic models characterising the “golden age”, that magical period from 1965 through to 1980. The new regulations introduced by Italy’s 1959 Highway Code had paved the way for their extraordinary success, permitting riding at the age of 14 without a licence, a licence plate and even insurance. In return, power and maximum speed were restricted to 1.5 hp and 40 kphrespectively, limits easily surpassed with minor modifications.
The market moved almost immediately to broaden its horizons: not just utility vehicles, but also more sophisticated models, capable of capturing young hearts.
Fully featured, with pedal-actuated gears, these on-road or off-road models made you feel great and offered freedom and fun in a rapidly changing world. And for many, they were first step towards the true motorbike.
During that period, through to 1980 – the last glorious year before the crisis – many historic companies played leading roles, while many others were born, offering an endless number of models, many of them offering sophisticated styling and engineering.
This book is a tribute to those “mopeds” that made thousands of kids dream and made them happy. An unforgettable era that still makes the heart beat faster today.