Product description
The volume is the product of twenty-five years of research which has allowed to survey, plate by plate, the entire fleet of vehicles of the Italian Police, through its evolution since its inception, recovering and passing on the inexhaustible and often unpublished photographic heritage of the police archives.
However, the subject is even more interesting and accessible to a wider audience when, in addition to a refined technical aspect, it derives from broader inspiring principles linked to historical and social evolution, news and, above all, the person.
Also the story of men, therefore, often uncommon, belonging to a vital sector of our society: the protection of legality, of the citizen and of the democratic order.
This is the other side of the coin, the “living” one, without which such a work would remain almost unfinished: the ability and the self-sacrifice in which, not only the protagonists, but also the attentive spectators will be able to identify in first person.