Builders & Racing teams
Brun Motorsport 1966 – 2009. Limited edition of 3 Volumes in slipcase
Automobilsport N.33: Special Shadow Racing Inc.
Taylor William
1965 Jim Clark & Team Lotus, The Uk Races
Autosprint La Stagione Di Formula Uno ’97
Buzzonetti Daniele
Stanguellini: L’Altra Modenese Da Corsa/The Other Modena Racing Company
Borgomeo Vincenzo, Clarke Massimo, Cocco Gaetano, Giangualano Patrizia, Ramaciotti Lorenzo, Zapelloni Umberto
Brembo 60. 1961-2021 The Beauty Of Innovation
Borgomeo Vincenzo, Clarke Massimo, Cocco Gaetano, Giangualano Patrizia, Ramaciotti Lorenzo, Zapelloni Umberto
Brembo 60. 1961-2021 La Bellezza Dell’Innovazione
Kirby Gordon
Penske’S Maestro – Karl Kainhofer And The History Of Penske Racing
Teissedre Jean-Marc
Norma, Les Creations De Norbert Santos Vol.2
Teissedre Jean-Marc
Norma, Les Creations De Norbert Santos Vol.1
Nye Doug, Rudd Tony
Brm The Saga Of British Racing Motors Vol. 1 Front-Engined Cars 1945/60 – Diamond Edition
Nye Doug, Rudd Tony
Brm The Saga Of British Racing Motors Vol. 3 Monocoque V8 Cars 1963-1969 Diamond Edition
Nye Doug, Rudd Tony
Brm The Saga Of British Racing Motors Vol. 3 Monocoque V8 Cars 1963-1969 Gold Edition
Balme Julian
Ian Walker Racing: The Man And His Cars (Con Cofanetto)
Automobilsport N.28: Special Roger Penske, His Cars His Team His Championships
Taylor Simon
John George And The Hwms (2 Volumi In Cofanetto)
Ridge Hal
Kenneth Hansen – Fourteen
Hill Peter R.
Fred Opert Story
Tomazzoni Gianni
Giorgio Francia: Dalle Corse In Monoposto All’Epopea Alfa Romeo (Copie Numerate E Firmate)
Vanwall 2.5 Litre F.1: A Technical Appraisal