The author

Gandolfi Francesco

Born in Milan in 1946, with a degree in law, in the early 90’s he founded a company engaged in the production of egg derivatives for the food industry, which he still owns today. Passionate about cars since childhood and raised in a totally “lancista” family, he approaches historic motoring in 1977. In 1985 he is involved in the foundation of the
Italian Aurelia Register, of which the following year he assumed the Secretariat and then the Presidency, which he held until 2008. His involvement in historic motoring led him to deepen the marks and models that fascinated him most, so the Lancia in general and the Aurelia in particular.
In 2008 he was called to Pebble Beach to judge the Lancias, that year “Honored Marque” of the event. On the Lancia but not only he has also written articles and lectured.
Passionate sailor, he created for Giorgio Nada Editore the Italian translation of the autobiography of Dick Carter (Dick Carter Yacht designer – L’età d’oro delle regate d’altura, 2019).
Also for Giorgio Nada Editore he published the volume Lancia Aurelia. Storie, corse e allestimenti speciali (2021).

All books by Gandolfi Francesco

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