The author
Dolcini Carlo
Born in 1946, Carlo Dolcini has been teaching for several years in the Universities of Udine and Bologna as a Professor of History of Middle-Age Philosophy. Among his works a monograph on the political thought in the Middle-Age (1983). He is the author of ‘Mille Miglia 1957. Last act in a legendary race’, ‘Mille Miglia The minor classes’ (2013) and ‘The first Mille Miglia 26/27 March 1927’ (2017). He is co-author with Francesco Amante of ‘Bologna-Raticosa. A story of men and machinery’ (2015). He currently deals with both studies on the Middlle-Age and automobiles history.
All books by Dolcini Carlo
Dolcini Carlo
Mille Miglia 1947-1956 Orizzonte Perduto / Lost Horizon
Dolcini Carlo
La Prima Mille Miglia 26-27 Marzo 1927/The First Mille Miglia 26-27 March 1927
Dolcini Carlo
L’Ultima Coppa D’Oro Delle Dolomiti – Le Sport A Cortina
Dolcini Carlo
Il Cielo Non Ha Preferenze. Osca, Ferrari E Maserati A San Luca 1956-1958
Dolcini Carlo
Mille Miglia 1957 Le Classi Minori/The Minor Classes – Copia Firmata Dall’Autore! / Signed Copy By The Author!
Amante Francesco, Dolcini Carlo
Bologna-Raticosa Una Storia Di Uomini E Motori/ A Story Of Men And Machinery
Dolcini Carlo
Mille Miglia 1957 Le Classi Minori/The Minor Classes