The author
Carmignani Franco
Franco Carmignani, from Rome, with a degree in engineering from Sapienza University, can boast extensive experience in the world of communication, which began at the end of the Sixties on the columns of Motor and then continued with the engines page of Il Giornale d’Italia.
Before the volumes. Vallelunga. Un Autodromo per Roma and Vallelunga 65 anni. Storia e futuro, he has published the Rallyrama yearbook which reached thirty editions before becoming a site. From 2002 to 2016 he published the Vallelunga yearbook, and then created the monograph Patriarca, a name, an era, a story. Together with Polo Ferrini he has published: Grand Prix in Rome and I Polverosi, , i Rally più Amati. For Giorgio Nada Editore he produced the Campionato italiano rally (2020) and Fiat 131 Abarth (2022).
All books by Carmignani Franco
Carmignani Franco
Fiat 131 Abarth – Serie Le Vetture Da Corsa Che Hanno Fatto La Storia/ The Racing Cars That Have Made History
Carmignani Franco
Campionato Italiano Rally Dalle Origini Ad Oggi
Carmignani Franco
I Polverosi: I Rally Piu’ Amati
Carmignani Franco, Ferrini Paolo
Gran Premi A Roma
Carmignani Franco
Vallelunga 65 Anni Tra Storia E Futuro
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2009/2010
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2010/2011
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2002/2003
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2005/2006
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2004/2005
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2003/2004
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 1997/1998
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2001/2002
Carmignani Franco
Vallelunga Racetrack Un Autodromo Per Roma 1951/2000
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 1998/1999
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 2000/2001
Carmignani Franco
Rallyrama 1999/2000