Piloti sportivi
Ferrari Enzo
Piloti Che Gente (3A Edizione Italiana 1985)
Rabagliati Duncan, Rabagliati Graham
Emeryson : The Life of Paul Emery. His Cars, Engines and Racing
Zapelloni Umberto
Ferrari Che Pilota!
Tozzi Emiliano
Sul tetto del mondo. Ale Pier Guidi 51
Ellard Chris
The Likely Lads – Copia Firmata Dall’Autore! / Signed Copy By the Author!
Coppini Mauro
Mauro Forghieri Deus Ex Machina – Machina N. 0
Doyle Gary D.
King Of The Boards: The Life And Times Of Jimmy Murphy
Gauld Graham
Scottish Motor Racing And Drivers: One Hundred Years Of Scotland’S Involvement With Motor Racing
Martinez Bernardo D.
Carlos Lepro’S Giulia The First Winning GTA
Kammerer Bernd, Spalluto Paolo
Pilota Per Passione
Fodisch Jorg-Thomas
Trips Bilder Eines Lebens – Copia Firmata Dall’Autore! / Signed Copy By the Author!
Evans Bob
Happy Lucky Days My Life in Racing – Bob Evans – Copia Firmata Dall’Autore! / Signed Copy By the Author!
Dal Monte Luca
Tre Giorni di Vento
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Dell'Erba Gian
TROFEI : Autobianchi A112 Abarth 70HP – Fiat Uno – Fiat Cinquecento
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De Marco Antonello, Tessore Giorgio
Gino e Piero Valenzano. Due Gentlemen Driver Torinesi da Mauthausen a Le Mans
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Les 24 Heures du Mans 2023 Livre Officiel. 91° Edition 100 Ans
Gray James
George Russell A Biography
Balestra Nino
Lassù con le Aquile
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Fodisch Jorg-Thomas, Rossbach Rainer
Taffy. Eine Hommage zum 60. Todestag von Wolfgang Graf Berghe von Trips
Balestra Nino
La Ruota del Diavolo