Auto inglesi
Gardiner Tony
The Brighton National Speed Trials In The 1960S, 1970S & 1980S
TVR 1960-1990
Reydellet Frederic
Les Triumph En Competition Tome 4 Rallye Des Tulipes 1954-1961
Reydellet Frederic
Les Triumph En Competition Tome 2 Liege-Rome-Liege, Le Marathon De La Route 1954/1961
Lotus Sports Racers
Dymock Eric
The Vauxhall File
Harvey Chris
TR For Triumph
Townsin Alan
The Bristol Story 1952/1983 Part Two
Stanley Louis T.
Strictly Off The Record Grand Prix Controversy And Intrigue
Clarke R.M.
Railton & Brough Superior Gold Portfolio 1933/50
Robson Graham
TVRs Vol. 1 Grantura To Taimar
Austin Metro Vanden Plas/MG, 1980-85 N. 16 Serie «Rivista Tecnica Dell’Automobile»
Lehbrink Hartmut, Schlegelmilch Rainer W., von Osterroth Jochen
Aston Martin
Brm Cars
Clarke R.M.
Era Gold Portfolio 1934/1994
Era Cars
Williams Richard
How To Give Your MGB V8 Power
Thorley Nigel
Jaguar MK I And MK II The Complete Companion
Newton Richard
Illustrated Triumph Buyer’S Guide
Stertkamp Heiner
Jaguar Die Komplette Chronik Von 1922 Bis Heute